

Company Information

Name of Company Dog Pro, Inc.
Representative Kenn Sato (Dog training expert)
Main Office 〒120-0035
11-19 Nakai-cho Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo Japan
Phone 03-3881-1188
Fax 03-3881-1188
Email info@dog-pro.jp
Business Fields ・Dog Pro Concierge
 Operating a pet concierge service
・Dog Pro Navi
 Operating a dog specialists portal site
・Dog Pro Event
 Planning and managing of dog events
・Dog Pro Commerce
 Planning and managing of dog commerce

Dog Pro Concierge Representative: Kenn Sato

代表写真Hello dog lovers. I am Kenn Sato, a dog training expert and company representative of Dog Pro Concierge. I have been working with dogs since early 1996. And for 10 years, I worked for New Yorkers and their dogs in Manhattan. I had learned and experienced a lot about living with dogs comfortably and symbiosis people and dogs. I would like to familiarize their happy life style of New Yorkers.