

Dog Pro Concierge Agreement & Waiver

In consideration of the services rendered to the Client by DOG PRO INC., the Client waives any and all claims, actions or demands of any nature, foreseen or unforeseen, that he/she may have now, or in the future, against DOG PRO INC., relating to the care, control, health, and/or safety of the Client’s dog arising during pick-up, transport, drop-off, and stay at the facilities at which the Client’s dog is being cared for.

Due to the many outstanding benefits of dog socialization and DOG PRO INC’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the Client’s dog, the Client agrees that the benefits of dog socialization outweigh the risks. Furthermore, the Client requests a socialized environment for their dog while under the care of DOG PRO INC. The Client agrees to assume all liabilities and responsibilities, financial or otherwise, for the behavior and health of the Client’s dog. The Client agrees to hold DOG PRO INC. harmless from any claims, actions, or demands against DOG PRO INC. arising during the pick-up, transport, drop-off and stay at DOG PRO INC. facilities. The Client authorizes DOG PRO INC. to do whatever they deem necessary for the safety, health and well being of the Client’s dog while under the care of DOG PRO.

We explain you more detail information and service agreement at the first counseling.